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The Science behind Chemical Reactions

Chemical reactions are the basis behind chemistry. Chemical reactions play a vital role in chemical science. Everything we see around us and the changes taking place in the surrounding is due to chemical reactions that take place. Any chemical change in the surrounding involves a chemical reaction. One may observe that even the human body involves a lot of chemical reactions. Every branch of chemistry has variant types of chemical reactions. Organic chemical reactions are different from inorganic chemical reactions. In this article, we will focus on the types of reactions, their importance, and their applications.  

What is a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction can be defined as the reaction in which the bonds are broken that are present in the reactant molecules, and new bonds are between the atoms and molecules to form the product molecules, to form a new substance. A chemical reaction involves a few physical changes such as the emission of heat and light, formation of precipitate or residue, is usually accompanied by physical effects that are easily observed, such as heat and light emissions, precipitation formation, gas evolution, or colour change.

Process of chemical reaction

The process of a chemical reaction involves a combination of substances to form another substance. During a chemical reaction, two or more substances react with each other to form two or more substances. Reactants are the substances that initiate the reaction, and the products are the substances that are produced in the reaction. In general, a reaction is represented as

                                                A + B → C + D

In this above reaction, the substances A and B are the reactants and the substances C and D are the products formed during the reaction. Reactants and products consist of the same atoms, but they are rearranged during the reaction, so reactants and products are different substances. All the reactions involve a certain type of mechanism that includes breakage of bonds, formation of ions or radicals, and then again a combination of these ions with other atoms to form products. Organic reactions such as Finkelstein reaction, Estard reaction, Maillard reaction, Kolbe’s reaction, all have their own reaction mechanism. 

Types of reactions

Each and every reaction is different from one another. The reaction is of its own kind. The different types of reactions are listed below:

  • Combination reaction: The reaction in which two or more reactants combine to form a single product is called a combination reaction. For instance, hydrogen and oxygen combine in an appropriate ratio to form water. 
  • Decomposition reaction: A reaction in which a single compound splits into two or simpler compounds is called a decomposition reaction. For example, the decomposition of water molecules to form hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Displacement reaction: A reaction in which a more reactive element or atom displaces a less reactive element atom from its aqueous salt solution is called a displacement reaction. For example, reaction of iron nails with copper sulfate solution.
  • Redox reaction: A reaction in which oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously is called a redox reaction. Respiration is a good example of a redox reaction.
  • Precipitation reaction: A reaction in which an insoluble product is formed after the reaction is called a precipitation reaction. Impurities formed in water pipes by the ions present in hard water are an example of a precipitation reaction. 

The chemical reaction in everyday life

Chemical reactions take place within and around us. These are applicable in day-to-day activities. Listed below are a few applications of chemical reactions in everyday life:

  • The photosynthesis reaction carried out by the plants for the preparation of food is an example of a combination reaction. 
  • The respiration process in human beings is an example of a decomposition reaction in which glucose breaks down to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. 
  • The rusting of iron and other articles such as gates, railings, windows made up of iron is an example of redox reaction.

Similarly, there are many other organic reactions that have applications in day-to-day life, such as the Fenton reaction, which is utilised in the removal of toxicity reduction and odour removal from organic pollutants. Chemical reactions play an important role in every field. Preparation of medicines, production of goods in factories such as soaps and detergents, manufacture of fertilisers involve chemical reactions. The metabolism and functioning of the human body involve numerous processes of chemical reactions. Hence chemical reactions are part and parcel of everyone’s life. 

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